Here is the end of September and the start of new episodes of festivals and weather. India is set to welcome cold and cosy winters. But are we ready for rising air pollution? Yes, Air pollution in India 2024 remains. Let’s know how these 3 remaining months are crucial for air pollution.

Winters in India rears its head with seasonal changes, festivals and many celebrations. But also air pollution levels will increase. And do you know how many people are losing their lives due to air pollution exposure?

Here is a chance to improve air quality in your city. Let us know what causes the spike in air pollution. 

Is Air Pollution in India 2024 Really on the Rise This October?

Yes! According to recent data from, air quality is already beginning to decline in many of our major cities. Let’s take New Delhi, the capital city of India as an example. For more than three months, Delhi breathed and enjoyed relatively clean air, but now this is changing. As we approach the end of September, New Delhi’s air quality has slipped from good to poor and unhealthy levels. It is crucial to know these shifts to balance the AQI level and breathe clean air.

historical data graph of Delhi AQI of one months

Every year, the city faces the same concerning trend in the last months of the year. As the monitors capture record-breaking pollution levels. It is not just higher AQI levels because it concerns the health condition of the country. 

Last year, the AQI level in Delhi hit 500 which is 100 times higher than the WHO recommended limit. Not just health conditions, it has affected the city’s economy. Because the dangerous level resulted in schools shuts. 

AQI calendar of New Delhi 2023 of last 5 months

Now the Question Arises: Why Do Air Pollution in India 2024 Increase After October?

Many sources are responsible for increasing the air pollution level in North India during the last 3 months of the year. Here are the major factors that can be responsible for affecting the city’s air quality:

Seasonal changes:

winters trap air and air pollutants that result in air pollution

The major reason for the increase in air pollution during these last 3 months is winter. The weather heads towards the upcoming winters in North India. It happens because winds in cooler months trap more pollutants. Its speed becomes dense and does not ventilate pollutants from one place. Moreover, the temperature also creates fog conditions. Fog and air pollution create a smog blanket over urban areas.

Temperature is the main reason for sudden changes in the city’s Air quality. As the data justify the winter air pollution level increases when the temperature becomes colder. 

Still, the chances are much better to control the air pollution level. Because it is only spiked more two categories. However, without any action, the air quality can reach Unhealthy to the danger level soon. 

Here are some more reasons for the increase in air pollution after October: 

2 fireworks and a crop yield fire

Festive celebrations: 

Every year, October in India comes with many festivals and celebrations. Since, these are celebrated with fireworks that release massive amounts of air pollution. 

Stubble burning:

The crop burning in agricultural regions increases air pollution seasonally. Because the smoke travels in different areas and affects cities’ air quality. Every year, stubble burning affects the air quality of urban areas. 

How does every year air pollution spikes in October impact health?

Air quality levels increase are not just limited to numbers. Because the increase in air pollution impacts health. Short or long-term air pollution exposure leads to various health conditions. As per a report by Down to Earth, a chief medical officer of a well-known hospital said, they witnessed a spike in COPD and other respiratory issues in patients from the starting October month every year. 

According to many experts in different hospitals, respiratory-related illness patients increase from October every year. Here are some health impacts that occur due to air pollution exposure:

long term and short term air pollution exposure health effects

1. Weakened immunity: 

Short-term air pollution exposure can lead to various allergic conditions. As it can cause seasonal illnesses and infections. Thus, many people face colds, coughs and other conditions. It weakens the immune system and makes you feel more tired and ill. 

2. Respiratory conditions: 

Moreover, air pollution exposure can cause various respiratory issues. Because inhaling particulate matter or other pollutants irritates the lungs and airways. It can cause conditions like Asthma, COPD (chronic obstructive pulmonary disease), Bronchitis and other problems. 

3. Other health issues:

Prolonged air pollution exposure can also lead to heart conditions. Many studies and reports have claimed it increases heart attacks and stroke risks. Moreover, it can also increase the risks of diabetes and other problems. 

How much government is prepared to combat air pollution in India 2024?

Every year, governments plan various programs and efforts to combat air pollution. Similarly, the Indian government has stepped up efforts in 2024 too. Here are some plans and initiatives that focus on national and regional levels. 

National Clean-Air Program (NCAP): 

It is funded by the Clean Air Fund which aims to reduce air pollution. It focuses on the 132 most polluted cities in India. The program includes various steps to improve air quality. As it involves strengthening air quality monitoring, reducing industrial emissions and promoting clean energy. 


grap stages for air pollution in India

In cities like Delhi, the Graded Response Action Plan (GRAP) is to reduce air pollution. It updates regularly as per the current air pollution conditions. Recently, it is updated on 17th September 2024. It has different stages as per the pollution situation in Delhi NCR. 

Winter Action Plan: 

The plan addresses the severe seasonal pollution in Winter. It is particularly in Delhi and other cities that suffer winter air pollution. Hence, the plans include steps such as anti-dust campaigns, drone monitoring air pollution hotspots, anti-smog guns etc. These help in monitoring and controlling pollution. 

How everyone can support controlling air pollution this year? 

Everyone is equally responsible for the increase in air pollution every year. Because India is the most populated country and major cities have high populations. It leads to more consumption of energy and resources and production results in more air pollution. Here are some tips to support in controlling air pollution: 

4 tips to control air pollution and limit air pollution exposure

1. Use public transport or carpooling: 

More use public transport like buses, trains, metro. Or you can also choose the carpooling idea. Because it reduces traffic on the road and also reduces vehicle emissions. 

2. Plant trees or create rooftop gardens: 

Planting trees around you helps in providing clean air. Because many trees and plants absorb various pollutants. It can limit your exposure to air pollution. 

3. Monitor air quality

Continuously stay updated on the AQI levels in your area. You can check air quality to make an informed decision to avoid exposure. 

4. Wear N95 masks:

Consider wearing N95 masks for every outdoor visit to filter out harmful particles in the air. Since through it, you can breathe clean air.

Be Ready, Stay Protected from Air Pollution in India 2024:

We can take small steps to reduce air pollution levels before it become harmful to everyone. Let’s prepare now to effectively control harmful air pollutants and protect everyone’s health. 

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