All eyes are on the 2024 Summer Olympics in Paris for the historic games. The opening of the Paris Olympics 2024 started on 26th July 2024. However, the pressing issue during the Olympic games requires attention to air quality. Olympic games include various games such as Marathons, cycling, Triathlon, and many more. But do you know these games also result in multiple pollutant emissions in the atmosphere? 

Additionally, better air quality is also necessary for athletes’ health. Because athletes can face various issues in different sports activities. And air pollution should be the last issue concerning their health. However, recently air pollution has become a major for everyone. Thus, it can become a problem for athletes during games. Let us know how Paris has worked on making the air quality better for everyone before the Olympics.

How does poor air quality affect athletes’ performance during games?

This year Paris Olympics 2024 are in the summer and recent preparations can affect the air quality. Increasing air pollution and heat can lead to affect players’ performance. Many studies have found that high pollution levels during the Beijing Olympics affected many players’ health. Let us know how poor air quality can affect the athlete’s performances during games:

Athlete facing failure in the game

1. Health Risks:

Many reports found that air pollution exposure can lead to respiratory and cardiovascular conditions. These include various health problems and affect the daily activities of every person. Similarly, high pollution exposure to athletes can increase their risks of illness. It can trigger their health, as they can feel more lethargic, heavy breathing, and other conditions. As a result, it diminishes the performance during the games.  

2. Decreased performance:

Several studies have revealed high-level air pollution exposure decreases physical performance and ability. Various pollution in the atmosphere, including PM2.5 (Particulate Matter), and CO (Carbon Monoxide) affect the blood’s ability to carry oxygen to different organs. Hence, it results in fatigue, mental stress, and poor recovery times that cause poor performance.

3. Increased Illness:

Air pollution exposure also leads to immune system weakness, which increases the chances of infections. Hence, it can result in extreme physical and mental stress for players during games. It can hinder their ability to compete and give them better performance in games.

What measures did Paris take to improve air quality before the games began?

Air quality in Paris is already much better as compared to other countries and cities. However, in the last Olympic games, many athletes faced air quality problems. Thus, it is necessary to maintain for better performance of each player. Hence, the Paris Olympic Committee has implemented various measures to mitigate air pollution and prepared A Breath of Fresh Air for Athletes.

Air pollution mitigation technique before Paris Olympics 2024

A recent report and news have shown that the city has achieved a 40% reduction in air pollution before a month of games started. It included several steps to achieve these results to provide better air quality for every player.

1. Expanding dedicated bike lanes:

They have extended the bike lanes to incorporate more bikes rather than four-wheelers.

2. Car-free zone implementations:

The committee has implemented more car-free zones across the city. It helps in reducing the traffic and car emissions on the road.

3. More electric bikes and scooters promoting:  

They promoted more electric bikes and scooters among commuters for clean energy and no emissions from vehicles.

What is the air quality condition in Paris 2024?

Air quality has been much better in Paris for many years as compared to many other countries. However, a few recent reports data showed that air quality can become a major condition. A recent study revealed that air pollution is the third leading cause of death in France. As per WHO as well, poor air quality is taking the lives of many people every year. Because long-term pollution exposure leads to several extreme health conditions.

AQI calender of Paris in 2024 from January to July
Source: AQI

As per this data, the air quality in Paris from January 2024 to July 2024 is in the “Good” category. And already much mitigation techniques have taken place to make it better. It can help in providing better air quality for athletes during the entire Paris Olympics 2024.

What other future steps can take place to make these major events a hit for everyone?

Events like the Paris Olympics highlight the importance of having better air quality for everyone. Because many people, including players, coaches, supporters, audience, etc. live involved in these events. Thus, integrating air quality management strategies by the event committee is essential. It helps protect public health and provides positive results for every player. Here are some techniques to integrate for better air quality in the Paris Olympics 2024:

1. Air quality monitoring:

Numerous indoor and outdoor air quality monitors are available. These help in providing real-time air quality data. Hence, they can install devices in different settings to know the air quality conditions to take major actions to control the emissions.

2. Air purifiers:

During high air pollution levels, air purifiers can install in indoor settings. Air purifiers help in trapping harmful pollutants into the room. These offer clean and fresh air that can help players’ overall well-being during indoor sports.

3. Public Awareness:

Lastly, embracing sustainable practices can help in reducing emissions. Moreover, raising public awareness about air quality can help in better and more informed decisions.


Everyone is cheering for their favourite athletes in this Paris Olympics 2024. However, there is also a reminder of air quality and international events. Still, the comprehensive techniques that are mentioned in the content have helped. And the committee and city efforts mitigated pollution before the game started. Let’s support every player to achieve their victory in the Olympic glory and support the environment as well with better air quality.

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