Andhra Pradesh air pollution has reached unhealthy AQI (Air Quality Index) in last few months. As per the air quality index data, the people in Andhra Pradesh have been breathing the unhealthy air which may cause people to suffer from respiratory problems, cancer and skin allergies.

Andhra Pradesh Air Pollution

Andhra Pradesh Air Pollution in Last 30 Days (December 2018 to January 2019)

In last 30 days between December 2018 and January 2019, the minimum AQI value of Andhra Pradesh reached upto AQI-156, daily average value was AQI-281 with the maximum AQI value of 456.

Andhra Pradesh Air Pollution Level – December’18 to January’19 (30 Days)

Air Quality Index Parameters Minimum Value Average Value Maximum Value
PM2.5 / µg/m³ 80 173 320
PM10 / µg/m³ 92 186 346
Temperature / °C 23 26 29
Humidity /% 42 57 68
Noise /dB 46 48 51

As per the above data of last 30 days, the daily average air pollution level in the state was very high in the morning and after noon time. And it decreased at night. During those days, the average particulate matter PM2.5 in the state was 173 µg/m³  which means very poor air quality. The particulate matter, PM10 was 186 µg/m³ which means moderately polluted.

Temperature in Andhra Pradesh

The temperature in the state was in normal with daily average value of 26°C. It still continues to 27°C everyday which means the temperature condition in the state is very normal and is slightly wet with 57% humidity.

The AQI level in the state was above 201 and still continues to the same level which means the quality of air is unhealthy. Breathing unhealthy air may cause various respiratory illness such as feeling nauseous, running temperature, cough & cold, etcetera.

Andhra Pradesh air pollution was at alarming level in the month of October, 2018. Anumita Roy Chowdhury, Executive Director-Research and Advocacy, Centre for Science and Environment (CSE), urged the government to introduce vehicles that do not cause air pollution for public transportation. She also urged to take an action plan to make pollution free cities in Andhra Pradesh. She added if the government fails to do so, the air quality in the state will continue to deteriorate. However, she added the State’s air quality is better as compared to some other states.

The air quality in the state is getting worse since last few months. This will slowly result in causing harmful diseases to the people who are living there and breathing the air. However, they still have some precautions to reduce or avoid breathing the unhealthy air.

Few Things They Can Do To Avoid From Breathing Unhealthy Air:
  1. Reduce prolonged stay outside.
  2. People who are very sensitive should shift their activities indoors.
  3. People suffering from respiratory problems should spend more time indoors.
  4. Do not step outside without taking precautionary measures.

Also Read: Delhi Air Pollution: How It Is Worsening By Every Day

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