What is Carbon Dioxide?

Carbon dioxide (CO2) is the greenhouse gas widely considered the main air pollutant in the Earth’s atmosphere. Despite the fact that carbon dioxide is essential to support living organisms, it is considered a dangerous air pollutant caused by human activities such as deforestation and the burning of fossil fuels. It’s a byproduct of our metabolic process–we add CO2 to the air every time we breathe.

Carbon Dioxide and its Health Effects:-

Carbon Dioxide in many terms does not possess any harm when inhaled in a small quantity but it does create a lot of problems when it is put up in larger quantities as it traps heat in the atmosphere. Too much CO2 in our air causes global temperatures to rise.

Mostly the levels of Carbon Dioxide is way higher indoors than outdoors due to the air that we breathe inside, where we don’t quite get the same level of Oxygen.

There are certain health effects that are caused by Carbon Dioxide like:-

Declining sleep quality
Ever noticed why you keep waking up in your sleep cycle? Or why you have an unrelaxed sleep? It is due to the high concentration of CO2 in your room. CO2 increases in closes rooms when there is no ventilation.

The severe amount of CO2 can cause a whole lot of nausea and vomiting due to the intensity of CO2 in the air.

Decreased Productivity
Due to the high amount of CO2 present in the air and the drowsiness prevalent people don’t feel very productive at work as they feel sleepy all the time.

Aggravating allergies
Due to a large amount of CO2 present at one place, there is a high level of irritation of the nose and eyes causing allergies.


The basic things that can be done to reduce the amount of CO2 in your area are setting up a lot of plants at your home or around you as it excretes Oxygen in the surroundings which balance the amount of Carbon Dioxide.





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