Gurgaon Indeks Kualitas Udara (AQI) | India

PM2.5, PM10 polusi udara waktu-nyata di Haryana

Pembaharuan Terakhir: 21 Oct 2024, 03:28am

Gurgaon POOR aqi boy Gurgaon POOR aqi boy Gurgaon POOR aqi boy

Kota Paling Berpolusi di India

Kota Paling Sedikit Terpolusi di India

Eksposur Perbandingan dengan Gurgaon

24 hrs avg AQI




Polutan Udara Utama di Gurgaon

live rank icon
Gurgaon pm10 icon
169 (PM10)
Carbon mono oxide icon
944 (CO)
Gurgaon nitrogen dioxide no2 icon
10 (NO2)

PM2.5 8.6X

Konsentrasi PM2.5 saat ini dalam Gurgaon adalah 8.6 times above batas yang direkomendasikan yang diberikan oleh nilai pedoman kualitas udara 24 jam WHO.

Gurgaon - Lokasi Tingkat Polusi Udara

LOKASI Status AQI-US AQI-IN PM2.5 PM10 Temp Humid
Vikas Sadan Gurgaon POOR 174 233 100 0 27 48
Dwarka UNHEALTHY 242 355 192 364 27 44
Nise Gwal Pahari UNHEALTHY 291 393 241 334 26 46
Bramprakash Ayurvedic Hospital POOR 168 195 88 161 27 47
Arya Nagar POOR 198 320 147 267 27 47
Teri Gram POOR 179 266 110 155 27 48
National Institute Of Malaria Research UNHEALTHY 219 337 169 317 27 47
Sector 51 POOR 179 266 110 155 27 48
Sector 2 Imt POOR 164 169 81 107 27 48
Municipal Corporation Office POOR 154 118 61 127 24 83
Masani POOR 179 267 110 74 27 49
Ruchi Vihar UNHEALTHY 206 328 156 239 27 49
Aerocity UNHEALTHY 211 332 161 275 27 49
Najafgarh UNHEALTHY 224 342 174 328 27 47
Vasant Kunj Sector C POOR 197 319 145 229 27 49
Radhey Mohan Drive 2 UNHEALTHY 207 328 157 221 27 49
Mata mandir Road POOR 197 319 145 218 27 49
DLF Phase 2 Sector 25 POOR 187 305 126 144 27 49
DLF Phase 2 POOR 183 290 117 115 27 49
DLF Phase 1 POOR 186 302 123 151 27 49
Sushant Lok Phase 1 POOR 182 287 116 130 27 49
Sector 6 Manesar POOR 168 197 89 81 27 48
Sector 31 POOR 193 313 137 137 27 48
Sector 42 POOR 181 277 113 125 27 49
DLF Phase 5 POOR 180 270 111 128 27 49
Sector 14 POOR 180 270 111 85 27 49
Sector 59 UNHEALTHY 228 345 178 247 27 48
DLF Park Place POOR 179 267 110 128 27 49
Sector 49 POOR 197 319 145 185 27 48
Kanahi POOR 180 270 111 128 27 49
Sector 57 POOR 198 321 147 200 27 48
Vatika City POOR 198 321 147 200 27 49
Sector 47 POOR 187 304 125 168 27 49
Tikri POOR 190 309 132 175 27 49
Sector 65 POOR 199 322 148 205 27 48
Aravalli Park Nursery End POOR 186 303 124 162 27 49
Aravalli Park Radhakrishna Mandir POOR 192 312 135 196 27 49
Old sector 62 POOR 200 323 150 206 27 49
Sector 28 POOR 181 280 114 123 27 49
Sector 43 POOR 177 253 106 121 27 49
Heritage One Tower A UNHEALTHY 201 324 151 208 27 49
Sector 56 POOR 183 290 117 144 27 49
Belvedere Towers POOR 186 302 123 151 27 49
The Laburnum POOR 179 267 110 117 27 49
DLF 1 POOR 179 267 110 128 27 49
The Aralias POOR 179 263 109 128 27 49
Aravali Park Entrance POOR 186 303 124 168 27 49
Sector 72 POOR 192 311 134 178 27 49
Aravalli Park Middle POOR 188 306 128 182 27 49
Sector 62 POOR 196 317 142 196 27 49
HUDA Office GMDA POOR 182 283 115 97 27 48
Tau Devilal Bio diversity Park GMDA POOR 184 297 119 149 27 49
GMDA Leisure Valley Park POOR 178 257 107 117 27 49
Sector 5 POOR 176 247 104 58 27 49
Carterpuri GMDA POOR 175 240 102 83 27 49
Cremeation Ground POOR 151 126 56 139 21 58
NASA AQCS 121 UNHEALTHY 268 375 218 305 26 46

Kondisi Cuaca di Gurgaon

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Matahari terbenam
06:26 AM
06:26 PM
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Wind speed

33 km/h

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UV Index


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800 mb

Saran Kesehatan Untuk Gurgaon

Cara melindungi diri dari polusi udara di sekitar Gurgaon, India?
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Pakai Masker

Yg dibutuhkan
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Tetap di dalam ruangan

Yg dibutuhkan
shut openings icon cross


Tetap Dekat
use a purifier icon

Gunakan Pemurni

Yg dibutuhkan
family icon cross


Izinkan Luar Ruangan

Gurgaon Prakiraan Kualitas Udara








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AQI Kalender

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Comparative Exposure with Gurgaon

24 hrs avg AQI




FAQ dari Gurgaon Indeks Kualitas Udara

(Pertanyaan yang Sering Diajukan)

Jawaban cepat untuk beberapa pertanyaan umum tentang polusi udara Gurgaon.

Kualitas udara waktu nyata di Gurgaon adalah 288 (POOR) AQI sekarang. Ini terakhir diperbarui 2 minutes ago .

Konsentrasi PM2.5 saat ini dalam Gurgaon adalah 129 (µg/m³). Organisasi Kesehatan Dunia (WHO) merekomendasikan 15 µg/m³ sebagai konsentrasi ambang batas PM2.5 selama 24 jam rata-rata. Saat ini, konsentrasinya adalah 5.16 kali batas yang disarankan.

Secara umum kualitas udara pada Gurgaon mulai memburuk pada akhir Oktober. Musim dingin adalah musim yang paling parah terkena polusi udara.

Anda harus memakai masker N95 yang baik saat Anda pergi ke luar ruangan Gurgaon sampai AQI membaik hingga kisaran sedang.

Orang yang pergi ke kantor harus menghindari kendaraan pribadi dan menggunakan transportasi umum atau carpooling.

(i) Penyebab utama polusi udara luar ruangan adalah partikel padat dan cair yang disebut aerosol & gas dari emisi kendaraan, aktivitas konstruksi, pabrik, pembakaran jerami & bahan bakar fosil, dan kebakaran hutan, dll.

(ii) Penyebab utama polusi udara dalam ruangan adalah gas berbahaya dari bahan bakar memasak (seperti kayu, limbah tanaman, arang, batu bara dan kotoran), lembab, asap jamur, bahan kimia dari bahan pembersih, dll.

Polusi udara dalam ruangan di Gurgaon sama berbahayanya dengan polusi luar ruangan, karena polusi udara masuk ke dalam rumah atau bangunan melalui pintu, jendela dan ventilasi.

Di Gurgaon , Anda harus menggunakan pembersih udara atau mesin udara segar di rumah atau kantor dalam ruangan dan menutup semua pintu, jendela dan ventilasi ketika indeks kualitas udara luar (aqi) di Gurgaon sangat tinggi. Ventilasi yang tepat sangat disarankan hanya jika kualitas udara luar ruangan membaik dan kisaran AQI sedang.

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Gurgaon, sometimes known as Gurugram, is a city in India's National Capital Region, near the Delhi-Haryana border. With an estimated population of 11,53,000, according to the 2011 Census of India, it is India's second-largest IT center and third-largest financial hub. Gurgaon is one of India's top five most polluted cities, as well as one of the world's top 30 most polluted cities. Air pollution has resulted from rapid population increase, and the situation is still deteriorating.

Sources of Air Pollution in Gurgaon

Gurgaon is one of India's most polluted cities due to a variety of air pollution sources. Listed below are a handful of them:

1. Vehicle Emissions: Gurgaon has the largest percentage of people who own a vehicle. The main source of air pollution in the city is vehicular emissions and traffic congestion. Pollutants such as ozone (which is created when hydrocarbons and nitrogen oxides react with sunlight and heat), carbon monoxide, particulates, hydrocarbons, nitrogen oxides, sulfur dioxide, and volatile organic compounds can be released.

2. Emissions from industries: Industrial emissions contribute 7%-9% of Gurgaon's air pollution. Oil burning produces major pollutants such as nitrogen oxides and sulfur, whereas coal combustion produces particle air pollution. When coal is utilized for combustion, the main pollutants created are nitrogen oxides, sulfur dioxide, and coal ash.

3. Diesel generator sets: Haryana government officials estimated that over 14,000 diesel generator sets are currently operational in Gurugram (2019). They contain carcinogens such as benzene, arsenic, and formaldehyde, which can cause cancer. There are also other severe environmental toxins present, such as nitrogen oxide, which depletes the ozone layer. According to a study published in 2018 by the Centre for Science and Environment (CSE), the usage of diesel generator sets enhances the concentration of Particulate matter in Gurgaon by 30%.

4. Thermal power plants: Coal-fired power plants are the most polluting industry in terms of SO2, accounting for around 67 percent of SO2 emissions in Delhi NCR. Thermal power plants emit pollutants such as nitrogen oxides, methane, sulfur oxides, co2, CFCs, and aerosols such as wood ash and soot.

5. Residential sources: Recent studies have found that residential emissions can contribute up to 50% of the measured particulate matter concentrations in an urban setting, resulting in significant annual mortalities in cities like Gurugram. Construction materials (insulation, roofing shingles, fire retardants, and so on), Biological Pollutants (bacteria, viruses, pet dander, mold, and so on), carbon monoxide, formaldehyde, nitrogen dioxide, lead, radon, particulate matter, smoke (wood and tobacco), volatile organic compounds (VOCs), and so on are some of the sources.

Health Impacts By Gurgaon Air Pollution

Exposure to air pollution leads to various short-term and long-term impacts on citizens' health. Air pollution also contributes to several mental health issues, including cognitive impairment, a higher risk of dementia, and a negative impact on baby neurogenesis.

● Gurgaon is one of the cities with a high ratio of people owning a car or vehicle to the total number of people. Vehicle emissions make people more vulnerable to respiratory ailments like pneumonia and bronchitis, aggravate asthma, and impair lung capacity.

● Birth defects, cancer, immune function abnormalities, kidney and liver dysfunction, lung and respiratory ailments, and neurotoxic disorders are all linked to industrial pollution.

● Irritation in the eyes, skin, and lungs, blood disorders, cancer, and skin lesions.

● Emissions from thermal power plants may lead to chest pain, lung damage, coughing, shortness of breath, throat irritation, worsen asthma, sleepiness, drowsiness, etc.

● Exposure to residential sources can increase one’s risk of developing lung disease, skin, eye, nose, and throat irritation, health issues with the nervous, cardiovascular, and reproductive systems, dizziness, unconsciousness, learning, and behavioral issues in children, respiratory diseases, central nervous system damage, health issues with the nervous, cardiovascular systems, and even deaths.

A study done by ARAI and TERI (2018) indicates that the transportation sector contributes 16-27 % and 14-23 % of PM2.5 and PM10 pollution, respectively, while the industrial sector contributes 13-30 % and 13-26 %, respectively. Dust, on the other hand, has a higher contribution to PM2.5 and PM10 pollution, ranging from 20 to 49 % and 23 to 52 %, respectively. Residential and other sources make up the rest of the contribution. This emphasizes the necessity for a multi-sectoral strategy for Gurgaon's air pollution problem.

Air Pollution Control Measures By Government

The Central and State governments have issued numerous action plans and rules that apply to the air pollution in Gurgaon. At the city level, the Pollution Control Board plays an important role in pollution prevention and control. The following are some of the measures that aid in the reduction of air pollution:

1. The Ministry of Environment, Forests, and Climate Change (MOEFCC) has launched the National Clean Air Program (NCAP) across India.

2. The Gurgaon district administration recently drafted an action plan to reduce air pollution, which was implemented in October 2020.

3. Gurugram has joined up for the Cycles4Change Challenge organized by the Centre.

4. In 2017, the Graded Response Action Plan (GRAP) was notified for emergency action during periods of heavy pollution.

5. The Environment Pollution (Prevention and Control) Authority had been tasked by the Central Government with implementing GRAP in the NCR region (EPCA).

6. Pet-coke and Furnace Oil Bans: In 2017, the Supreme Court in Delhi, Haryana, Rajasthan, and Uttar Pradesh banned the use of petroleum coke and furnace oil for combustion.

7. NOx and SOx limits have been established.

Terus Pantau Gurgaon polusi udara
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